How to Create New Pages in Blogger
Newcomers to Blogger are confused as how to create new pages in Blogger. In a general website every page has a new link/URL. In Blogger however you do not create new pages. Instead you create new posts. A blog is an online diary where every post is dated with the date of it's creation and a timestamp. The date is at the top of the post and the timestamp at the bottom. If you create several posts in one day then the last post gets the date at the top of it.
To create new pages in Blogger we have to understand how the blog is constructed.........
These are the page types in the new Blogger :
1. The Main/Home Page :
This is the page which opens when we click on the URL/link of the blog. The URL of the blog in Blogger takes this form :
where YOURBLOGNAME is the name you chose for the blog when creating the new blog. You can choose how many posts your main page can have by going to Settings----->Formatting----->Show __ posts on Main Page and save the settings. It is better to choose a smaller number of posts on the main page since it makes the blog faster to load. You can also choose to alter the appearance of this page by using conditional tags. You can choose to prevent the appearance of certain widgets by wrapping them in conditional tags.
2. The Profile Page :
This is the page which is accessed by clicking the link to your profile in the profile widget in your blog sidebar. You can choose what appears on this page by clicking Edit Profile link on your Dashboard. This page is common to all your blogs. You cannot format it. You can also choose whether to show it or not at all by checking the Share my Profile option in the Edit Profile section. If you wish to increase traffic to your blog it is better to show your profile.
3. The Post Pages :
By going to Settings------>Archives----->Enable Post Pages----->Yes----->Save Settings you give each post it's own page or URL. The page URLs have the following structure :
Generally blogger includes the first five words of your post title into the post URL. Make sure you include the main keywords of your post in the post title at the beginning so that they get into the post URL. This is important for search engine optimization. See picture below that shows the Blogger Pages :

To create a new page simply create a new post. You can change the appearance of post pages using conditional tags.
4. The Label Pages :
The Label Pages are created when you add labels in the bottom frame of the post editor. These are used to categorize your posts under different subjects. They serve like tags on your luggage at the airport. Do not add more than two/three labels to each post. Five or six labels on each post means five or six pages of the same content. Duplicate content is frowned on by the search engines. Each label post has the URL/link of this type :
You can add labels to your sidebar using a label widget. You can also add a label cloud using the Technorati Top Tags widget.
5. The Feed Pages :
Your blog has RSS and Atom feeds. Their feed URLs are :
For the Atom feed :
For the RSS Feed :
For labels the feed URL is :
For comments the feed URL is :
Substitute actual blog name in place of yourblogname and instead of 'TYPE' substitute 'full/short/default' - whatever you have chosen in Settings----->Site Feed.
Your feed footer can be changed by putting what you want to appear there in the Feed footer box at Settings----->Site Feed. If you want to customize your feed header you have to channel your blog feed through another party like Feedburner.
By Admin n E.K